Previously known as Fuji Ice.
Why the name change?
Contains propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, natural and artificial flavours, and nicotine. Product is ready to vape, does not require any additional PG, VG, or nicotine. |
this had no taste of fruit or any ice so i didn't like it
Vapoureyes NZ proudly supports Nourished For Nil, a local non-profit organisation whose sole aim it is to rescue surplus food and redistribute it to the local Hawke’s Bay community.
The highest quality nicotine e-liquids, vaping supplies, and vape starter kits, produced in an ISO-7 clean room.
Australian and New Zealand nicotine vaping ejuice, e-juice, e-liquids.
This website contains products only suitable for current and ex-smokers 18 years or older.