Previously known as ADV.2.
Why the name change?
Tending to my berry patch I came across the harmless Austracantha minax, commonly known as the Australian Jewel Spider.
ADV.2 is one of our all-time favourite flavours, a mix of berries and currants topped off with peppermint and a slight icy finish. It also naturally changes colour with the seasons, which is pretty cool.
Contains propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, natural and artificial flavours, and nicotine. Product is ready to vape, does not require any additional PG, VG, or nicotine. |
Flavor is barely there. Not sweet and can hardly detect any menthol or berry taste.
Its nothing crazy, but you literally can't go wrong with this. Its always good. Lots of currant, some berries, and very faint menthol. Overall very refreshing. I will be buying one bottle every order
Great liquid for a daily vape. Nice flavour and tiny hint of menthol...expected a bit more of a peppermint on the exhale but will buy again.
Just a simple, easy to vape berry flavour. Nothing offensive about it whatsoever. A great flavour when you just want something simple and pleasant to suck on all day. Not too sweet but still has plenty of flavour. Not overly sweet that you will get sick of it. The essential ADV.
really smooth - love it. berry yummy
Vapoureyes NZ proudly supports Nourished For Nil, a local non-profit organisation whose sole aim it is to rescue surplus food and redistribute it to the local Hawke’s Bay community.
The highest quality nicotine e-liquids, vaping supplies, and vape starter kits, produced in an ISO-7 clean room.
Australian and New Zealand nicotine vaping ejuice, e-juice, e-liquids.
This website contains products only suitable for current and ex-smokers 18 years or older.